Thursday, December 23, 2010

Have a merry merry cherry cherry christmas!

I just wanna wish everyone a merry christmas or as one of my most favorite christmas artists says "have a merry merry cherry cherry christmas"!!! LoVe YoU AlL!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My little stud!

This last saturday we decided that we were going to get grado's pictures taken and really do it and we did! yay!! they turned out so great i was worried cause he was getting tired but he pulled through and we got some really great ones! at first the photographer was saying one of you sit here next to him and the other can try to get him to laugh and smile so i thought troy you get him to laugh and i will sit here by him well that ended up not working so i got up and tried to make him laugh i started jumping up and down and playing peek a boo in the middle of the mall im sure people were thinking man she is crazy! ha ha its funny what we will do for our kids to make them smile and laugh:) here are a few of my fav's from the session. p.s we went to that new smiles place in the mall and they did great i highly reccomend them!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Wow i cannot believe 5 months have come and gone! it has went by way way too fast! here are a few pics of my 5 month old little man
5 things i love about my grady man at 5 months
- sleeps through the night finally! thanks to rice cereal:) and in his own crib YAY!
- loves his daddy whenever dad comes home his eyes get huge and he freaks out!
- giggles out loud
- tries to say hi ha ha we always say it and it always sounds like he is trying to mimick it!
- his lower lip love it! smiles frowns i just love it! its so pouty:)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

April fools day surprise!

I cant believe that two months have already passed by and now my little boy is already almost 3 months! he is such a joy in our lives! i wanted to write about his delivery to remember a little they say you forget but at the time i was like i will never forget this! ha ha but as time goes on things start to fade so sad but true!4.1.2010 I had been having so much pain the last couple days of being pregnant i wasnt able to work or really even walk around it was not fun but people kept telling me you will know when your in labor you wont be able to even breathe through some of the contractions so i just knew i wasnt in labor but i was in alot of pain so i thought if i can wait till my appointment on 3.31.2010 i would know than if things had changed or if something was happening so i ended up being able to wait until my appt i got to the back and they were taking my blood pressure and the girl said to me you might be having this baby today! it was crazy to actually hear it from someone else but i knew it was a possibilty so i got back to see my dr and he went on to tell me that he wanted to start me cause of my blood pressure he didnt want something to end up happening to the baby if i waited longer i was already dialated to a 3 so he said things would be fine and that he thought i should go ahead and get over to the hospital and get started i started crying i thought i dont know if i want to get started but he insured me that things would be fine and that it would be best for Grady to get started so me and troy headed over to the hospital and we got settled and they started me on the pitocin and things quickly started progressing i got checked in aroud 4 and at around 6 he broke my water and than at 8 or so i really started getting strong contractions i had already gotten my epideral but was nervous to press the button so troy had to come push it once or twice for me right after that the nurse came in and checked me she said she thought i was ready to start pushing i told her i was still in quite a bit of pain i told her that i had just pressed the button twice and that i was still feeling alot of pain she told me i could push it again but that i could be numb after for a little while i had heard from friends that being numb is horrible so i thought i could handle this little bit of pain but wow! if only i knew how strong these contractions were going to be! so around nine thirty ten i started pushing one of the nurses told me she thought i would be only pushing a little and he would be here but he was having trouble coming out and it was so so hard i got so discouraged i told troy i need some encouragment! he started sayin in a normal voice "you can do it babe" i said to him NEVERMIND! ha ha he wasnt encouraging enough at this point i was in so much pain with every contraction coming it was so painful and i didnt know if i was even making any progress. I just needed something or someone to help me have the courage to get him to come by this time i had been pushing for almost 2 hours and finally they said it looks like he is ready to be delivered my dr came in and with a little more pushing and pain ha he was here! my dr pulled him out he was pooping everywhere ha ha i guess the reason he was having a hard time getting here he was turned the wrong way he was posterier they told me it was a good thing i got started cause he came out pooping which could have been really bad if he pooped while still in my belly my dr was surprised to see a big baby he said i bet he is atleast an 81/2 pounder so at 12:55 Grady Kyle Denning was born 8lbs 6 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long i cant describe the feelings i was having at this point the pain from pushing and the emotion from seeing him i couldnt control my emotion i was scream crying ha ha they took him over and started to clean him up and i could see a worried look on one of the nurses faces and i kept saying is everything ok whats going on? they said well he is having problems breathing they were succtioning his throat out and still he was just grunting i was already crying and than they told me that and i was so worried they told me that they wanted to try some skin to skin time with me and see if that helped so for about 15 min i sat there holding him crying holding my little boy i couldnt believe he was really here. So after 15 min of skin to skin time he had not progressed so they told me they would have to take him to the NICU and moniter and make sure they could get him to breathe on his own so from the delivery room they took him and i went to my recovert room without him:( by this time it was almost 3 in the morning and i was exhausted but could not sleep i was thinking about my little guy and worrying and wondering how he was doing at that point troy was almost asleep and the phone rang! it was the nurse down in the NICU telling troy that he was doing fine now and that he was finally breathing on his own finally i could breathe easy. They brought him down to me and i got to cuddle my little guy and love him.
Everyones labor experiences are so different i wanted to remember mine so i wanted to blog about it Grady has changed our lives so much and every day i am grateful for my little family and my amazing hubby he does so much for me and he sure knows how to make me smile
When troy was taking these pictures he kept saying man he has mitts for hands haha that and he was scowling at the nurses he looked pretty mad!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

25th birthdays!

So it has been a while since i have posted anything new! me and troy both celebrated our 25th birthdays over the holidays troy's was november 29th and mine was jan 8th i just wanted to post a couple pics of both our birthdays.
p.s the celebrating is not over quite yet for me my awesome inlaws planned something new for this year birthday dinners so this saturday more partying! yipee:)

Troy Ryan and Jordan in the field


This last weekend there were alot of birthdays in our families on friday sept 5th it was my moms and on sat the 6th it was my sis in law veronica's and also my sis in law tami's Happy Birthday ladies we love and appreciate all you do for us!

Here is all of us celebrating my mom and Veronica's Birthday we went to formosa really good chinese food:)

New nephew Crew Bradley

New nephew Crew Bradley
Me and Troy drove up to layton to se see our new little nephew Crew he is so tiny and cute. Were so excited to have a new nephew. I also got to spend time with Baylee and Tyson it was good to see them and you can tell how much they love their little brother they both wanted to hold him all the time (so cute)! Were excited for you Todd and Jill

Ms. Bealers holding her lil bro (she was so cute with him)

Sister and Brothers